Drudge has this headline at the moment: Obama will call for increased oversight of 'executive pay at all banks, Wall Street firms and possibly other companies' as part of sweeping plan to 'overhaul financial regulation', NY TIMES reporting Sunday, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE... REGULATE! It is none of this president's business what private companies pay their people. None.Many banks wanted nothing to do with the money forced their way last fall, but now that the government forced them to take the money - OR ELSE - Obama wants to use this to regulate pay. And not just at financial companies. We get "possibly other companies" as well. Isn't this America, where the only limit to the ceiling on my income is me? But it's not America any more. It's a leftist canvas, on which they can paint the rules as they see fit. I call bullshit on that. I went to a town hall this morning, and people never before involved in the process of politics are pissed and they are getting involved. At one point, I asked an elected representative if there is a chart of expenditures - to easily see where all this money is going. Long answer short, no, not really. It's convoluted, I was told. He'd wanted to get the same information when he started, but it's a mess. Another person suggested that we might have to wait until next year before we can get the transparency we seek. Screw that. The data's public. I'll get it and chart it myself. And then make it public. And I'll get the charted data into the hands of the legislators who want to stop this crazy train wreck of irresponsible, control-seeking spending. I wasn't alone. Others there were equally pissed and animated to do something. Passionate people change the world. We are tired of the incompetence - from the political top on down - and we are sick of the limits on freedom. I still believe in America, and I'll work to wrest it back from the lefty loonballs who think capitalism is just this horrible thing that is horribly unfair. Their thinking, like their work ethic, is lazy. If you're one of them, heads up. You don't have the right to tell me what I can do, what I can make, what I can keep, how much is enough, or what I should say or think. If politics is a free market where competition takes place, get ready for a whole bunch of that. Community organization? Bring it on... because I tend to think that most of America wants to earn its own way, expects individual responsibility, and doesn't actually expect that electing the right politician is a lottery ticket that purchases lazy welfare. And I think that the Achievers in life have had about enough of political corruption and theft. We crowned an incompetent man, who believes himself to be king. There's a whole bunch of us working toward his irrelevance, and toward the irrelevance of the other politicians who want to chair the central planning committee. Unfortunately, this is necessary for now because normally, government is just stupid bureaucracy and we could just ignore it all. Not no more. |