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The Founding Fathers and God


Go here for the whole thing, but this is the skippiest treatise I've read about the notion of these United States being a Christian nation in its origin.

In sum, not so much:

The myth that the United States is founded on the "Judeo-Christian Bible" persists and prospers despite readily available evidence. Contrary to popular belief, the Founding Fathers rejected the biblical model in favor of a secular model of government.

The authors of the United States Constitution had first-hand experience with governments created and supported by God. Preaching at the coronation of King George III, the Archbishop of Canterbury argued that the new monarch ruled by "divine appointment" which required his subjects to submit entirely to his authority.

The Archbishop saw the King's authority as an extension of God's sovereignty and George III in the role of Moses, Saul, David and Solomon.

To lead successfully a revolution, the Founding Fathers had to reject the biblical model: God did not create and maintain governments. Rather, they endorsed a revolutionary view of government that has its origins outside of the Bible in English common law and the Enlightenment.

Men, not God, created governments. The success or failure of the government rested with men, not God. God's role in human affairs was limited to bestowing liberty to individuals, and they were free to criticize their own creation and make their own decisions.

It finishes solidly with this:

"Faith in God and individual liberty flourishes when governments keeps their hands off religion. Faith in God and freedom diminish when politicians use God to limit an individual's conscience."

Can a brother get an amen?


by Brett Rogers, 3/19/2009 8:47:17 PM


Amen Bro - however I'd add a slight twist to this. I have not so much heard that our nation was founded on the Judeo-Christian Bible - rather that the foundation for our laws, etc is based on Judeo-Christian ethics. These ethics tie well with the premise of the article - in the sense of individual liberty. In a Bible Study class a couple years ago, I asked the question of the group - what is God's greatest gift to us - most answered - his son. The more correct answer (in my view and that of the study leader) was freedom - the freedom to decide for ourselves. It seems to me this is the foundation the founders intended for the US. The rights endowed by the Creator...



Posted by Rich, 3/20/2009 11:57:29 PM

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