Tamara and I love the Saturday morning Farmers Market. Wouldn't miss it. So, who would oppose the creation of a Food Safety Administration? Everyone wants safe food, right? Here's a terrific example of how the best intentions of politicians can overreach and screw up your life. In fact, if HR875 is passed, the Des Moines Farmers Market might become a thing of the past. I went and did something that members of Congress rarely do and actually read the bill. [HR875] was introduced by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT 3rd) and, as of this writing, has around 36 co-sponsors including my Congressman, Andre Carson (D-IN 7th). It immediately strikes me as being terribly bad legislation.Under a heading described as protecting the public health and ensuring the safety of food it creates a "Food Safety Administration" within Health and Human Services. (14) FOOD PRODUCTION FACILITY- The term 'food production facility' means any farm, ranch, orchard, vineyard, aquaculture facility, or confined animal-feeding operation. What it essentially does is place a tremendous regulatory burden on all of these organizations and individuals by requiring them to have "food safety plans", consider all relevant hazards [note: I wish Congress would consider all "relevant hazards" or unintended consequences of everything THEY did], testing, sample keeping and to maintain all kinds of records. The bill also allows the government to dictate all manner of standards related to fertilizer use, nutrients, packaging, temperature controls and other items.This massive bloat in government regulation (and taxpayer expense to support it) would add additional cost and headache to every farm, some fishing boats, slaughterhouse, processing plant, CO-OP and anyone else associated with growing, storing, transporting or processing food. The bill authorizes fines of up to $1,000,000 (one million) dollars for "each act" and for "each day" of a violation. Who knew that the family garden was such a threat as to require regulation by bureaucrats. Fresh produce to market by local vendors? Come now - learn to love your nanny overlords. They will take of you... pay your mortgage, keep you employed, and allow lawyers to sue the crap out of anyone who might cause you any offense whatsoever.Super Geniuses, these politicians in Washington. Don't you just love the era of Big Government? ETC: By the way, while Republicans can be equally stupid, this is an all-Democrat sponsored bill. Expand the link near "Sponsor" and you'll see. |