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Because Actual Business Experience Counts...



Wells Fargo Co. Chairman Richard Kovacevich criticized the U.S. for retroactively adding curbs to the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which he said forced the bank to cut its dividend, and called the administration's plan for stress-testing banks "asinine."

When the U.S. Treasury persuaded the nation's nine biggest banks to accept capital investments in October, it signaled the whole industry was weak, Kovacevich, 65, said in a March 13 speech at Stanford University in California. Even though Wells Fargo didn't want the money, it must comply with the same rules that the government placed on banks that did need it, he said.

Kovacevich joins a growing list of bankers who are chafing at restrictions imposed by the TARP program, which affect lending, foreclosures, pay and perks. Lenders including Bank of America Corp., U.S. Bancorp and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. have said they want to give back the money.

I hope these businesses force the government to take the taxpayers' money back. Good for these business leaders(!) to stand up and tell it like it is. It's a shame that the administration and Congress hate business. Where do you suppose jobs and tax revenue comes from?

Politicians in Washington: Super Geniuses.


by Brett Rogers, 3/16/2009 9:58:14 PM


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