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From the state where he served, for all of you who voted for HopenchangeTM, here's what's bound to come your way (or your children's way): Illinois Income Tax May Jump 50 Percent Because when the government spends money, it must eventually pay it off.Gov. Pat Quinn is reportedly considering raising taxes to deal with a growing budget deficit. Can anyone tell me how spending money to get out of debt works?By way of example, here's a riff on an old joke: Trying to solve a bit of math, a child asked, "What's 2 + 2?"He asked a mathematician, who answered, "4." He asked a statistician, who answered, "Somewhere between 3 and 5." He asked an accountant, who answered, "What do you want it to be?" He asked a politician, who pocketed 3 and then answered, "1, of course." The moral of my little tale: politicians are good at math. They just want to convince you that you aren't. This ain't rocket science, and common sense would tell anyone that if the budget is tight, you don't spend more. Especially on things that don't help anyone but the politicians and their buddies.Super geniuses, those politicians in Washington. |
by Brett Rogers, 3/13/2009 12:23:28 PM Permalink
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