I once had a friend of mine who was planning to hurt someone. I mean he literally planned it out. He bought the materials, he coordinated his logistics - it was serious. He came to me and showed me all of his prep work, and I looked at him in alarm, wondering why he would want to hurt another person and ultimately want to hurt himself. In his mind, he would wind up unscathed by the incident. Who would know that he did it? And his target - well, he might have gotten a little hurt, Mark told himself, but it shouldn't be serious. It was all about scaring his intended victim into changing behavior, not about really hurting him. What did I do? I told someone in authority. The plot was stopped. While they couldn't prove his intentions with the flammable liquid in his possession, his excuse for it was sketchy enough that daylight put a halt to the whole escapade. Mark said later that he can't believe he was that dumb to have considered such a thing. He was glad that someone stopped him. I wanted him to fail at his endeavor, and I helped him do so. It was the best thing I could have done. It was the right thing to have done. When someone is about to hurt themselves or others, don't you want them to fail? Of course you do. Which is why I want Obama to fail. Socialism is cruel - to everyone. Nationalization ruins industries and jobs and the economy, as Hugo Chavez' Venezuela proves consistently. Teaching people that they don't have to be responsible for their own decisions and then making others pay for those decisions - how is that a positive? It is irresponsible to allow someone to succeed in hurting others. It is selfish to not want to get involved and to not prevent disaster. It is callous to not care about those who will be damaged by the actions of the person who will injure others. Bad ideas are bad ideas. It doesn't matter who it is... we should all want the perpetrator to fail. I resent the hell out of being told that it's wrong to want Obama to fail in his aspirations. If his ideas and intentions would actually help small businesses succeed, and help people who most needed it, I wouldn't have any problem supporting him and wishing him success. But no one can explain to me how what he's doing will help anyone, any business, or the nation's economy. The reason? Because what he's doing can't help, nor will it. Socialism is cruel, and anyone with the intentions of implementing socialist policy is cruel. If you agree with that, then I ask: do you want Obama to succeed or to fail in his planned implemetation of socialism in America? |