I've been spending a lot of time on web site work lately. The new server allows me to create as many web sites as I have domains. So one of the sites is a dedicated guvsux.com. It has my political cartoons, and as soon as my work settles into a groove, I'll get back to cartooning and more art. I'm not done with guvsux... I want to put comments and such on it, but I wanted the look of it to be irreverant and rebellious. It's enough for right now... I've also created forwardynamics.com, which is the more business side of me. My original blog, Opinion Paper, is revived a bit. It's missing some parts, but the gist of it is there. It was my first big web site effort. Kind of fun to revisit it. A couple of others are being shown for commercial purposes... let's see how it goes :) |