In the lower right hand corner of the picture, notice the cruise control indicator. Yes, he took it while driving 100 mph. But, the guy is also a part-time professional driver who took this while out on the track that he uses. He thought it would be cool to take his 100,000th mile while doing 100 mph, and took the picture to record it, as you see here. By the way, to hear this guy talk of what he is able to do in his car out on the track is pretty riveting. Interestingly, he said that the best teacher for professional driving is rain. It dashes all of your assumptions and truly tests your ability to drive, as he puts it. The oil and rubber that everyone lays down in the curves becomes treacherous in rain, and so you can't drive as you normally would - you have to pay much more attention and consciously take the path that offers the most traction, which is the path you didn't take previously. Oh, and his brake pads for the track are capable of withstanding 1,400°. Normal is 500°. Fascinating... |