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My family and I saw The Dark Knight at the midnight showing last night. Best movie of the year. A bit long, but understadably so.

The movie had perfect acting. Every actor was flawless. But Heath Ledger crystallized the movie. It would have been a great movie without him, but his performance was so memorable and so unexpectedly right that if they were to give one Oscar this year, it should be his.

Aaron Eckhardt cemented his place on big marquees.

Maggie Gyllenhaal showed Katie Holmes to be the high schooler she is.

And the fact that it wasn't CGI-laden was refreshing.

Wonderful, wonderful.


by Brett Rogers, 7/18/2008 9:03:09 AM


We hit a local drive-in this past weekend and caught The Dark Night and Hellboy 2. Me, the girlfriend (how funny that sounds even at my age), our son's, and even my dog. I hadn't been to a drive in since the 80's and I have to say it was a lot more fun than going to a theater.

I agree 100% with your review Brett. If Heath doesn't get an Oscar something is really wrong with the process. Such a dark performance it physically effected me. That doesn't happen too often at the movies. Platoon might be the last time I felt that way after a movie.

We didn't have the problems with sound for Hellboy. One of the luxuries of the drive-in is turning down the car stereo.



Posted by Pale Rider, 7/30/2008 2:15:20 PM

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