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I've been thinking through McCain's decision to wait until after the Democratic convention to announce his VP choice. I think it's a dumb idea. McCain has no organization today. Obama has an army. So McCain will wait until late August to announce?

Let's say he picks Mitt Romney. Mitt comes with an organization. But why wait until two months before the election to get the ball rolling? McCain has squandered a lot of time. He doesn't understand the electorate if he thinks we're just looking for experience. And don't get me wrong - Obama is scary in his naivete. But that won't stop his voters from getting to the polls.

It's as though McCain thinks, like Hillary did, that he'll get elected just on his experience alone. That turned out to be rather dumb.

Every day matters. Hell, every hour matters, especially when you're behind. But I get no sense of urgency from McCain or his campaign.


by Brett Rogers, 7/2/2008 9:48:20 PM


MCCain needs to kiss and make up with the base already befor the GOP lose them for good, Put Huckabee on the ticket already. I could name a thousand reasons, I dont feel like typing that much. But in one word explanations.
the base
the south
the polls
the working class
the grass roots
the following
the charisma
McCain kiss and make up all ready, they want to support you, so give em a reason to get fired up.



Posted by paul, 7/3/2008 12:53:53 PM

Hey Paul

I'll give you one group that might object to the Huckster:

- The Conservative

Could be a problem for McCain, a candidate who already leans toward the center-left.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 7/3/2008 3:28:25 PM

Huckabee isn't what this conservative is looking for. My vote for MCCain is already a reluctant vote. Throw Hukabee in the mix and I'd write in Daffy Duck.

Jindal would work for me.



Posted by Kelly, 7/3/2008 10:06:02 PM

Kelly, I'm in the same boat as you. It won't surprise me a bit if McCain chooses someone that pisses off the base (Lieberman). I don't think he'll choose the Huckster as that would at least satisfy the evangelicals.

Palin or Jindal would be at the top of my list, but they too satisfy the base. Without either of them, a Daffy Duck/Elmer Fudd ticket may make more sense. Just think, Daffy brings in the environmentalist vote, Elmer the NRA folks. Party Unity! :)



Posted by Pale Rider, 7/5/2008 12:54:35 AM

Are you guys worried about Jindal's relative inexperience? I honestly don't know much about him, though I was glad to see him reject the legislature's pay raise.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 7/5/2008 10:07:44 AM

Not as worried as I am with Obama's inexperience.

I've thought about Jindal some more over the last few days. It could be a political mistake for him to accept a VP slot on McCains ticket if he has aspirations for the Presidency in the future. Frankly, I think it'd be a mistake for anybody who is a true consevative with their eye on the Whitehouse. You are who your friends are and McCain is not a conservative. The problem is, he needs a conservative on the ticket if he's to have a chance at winning the election.

Jindal is doing some good things in Louisiana. I think he's where he needs to be. Build up a record for a couple terms and then run for the Whitehouse.

PR mentioned Sarah Palin. I don't know much about her. From what little I've read it seems she's off to a good start as well. Two up and comers to keep an eye on.

Maybe not all "hope" is lost?



Posted by Kelly, 7/5/2008 12:04:35 PM

You're right - we become who we hang around. Jindal's on a good path - as is Palin. McCain could, in fact, be the bad apple that ruins that bunch.

I really don't like this year.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 7/5/2008 12:33:26 PM

In some ways the lack of experience does concern me, but not as much as Obama's inexperience (agree with Kelly). Compared to other VP candidates such as Huckabee, I'd rather take my chances with Palin (she's already battled the GOP - something I like) or Jindal.

Not much to look forward to this election cycle. I think we are looking at a couple Carter like years before the broom comes out in 2010 and starts cleaning house.



Posted by Pale Rider, 7/7/2008 12:52:02 PM

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