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Why is it that after weeks of being beaten to death by talk radio, John McCain emerges as the probable leader for the Republicans in the 2008 election?

Because people would rather dance with the devil they know than the devil they don't. And America knows John McCain after all this time.

Plus, talk radio pushed Bush big time, and he wasn't exactly the conservative hero we wanted. We wondered, would Romney be any different? In answer: we honestly didn't know. He already has an reputation as a flip-flopper for some. That will only get louder in the general election. He's new on the big scene. He's ambiguous. We, as a nation, don't know that we can trust him because we don't know his true principles and see them in action consistently over time. For a first-time national candidate, his was a good showing. But he has to prove himself to us over time, I think, so that we know that we know him.

People opted for the man they knew better, warts and all. He showed that he wasn't afraid to get down and get ugly, if that's what it took to win. And ugly he got, in twisting Romney's record.

But he was known, and ultimately, that was more comfortable.

Obama started campaigning very early. I think before anyone else did. Frankly, he was right to do that. It allowed him to get acquainted with America, and vice versa. For that reason, he stands an even shot of beating Hillary now to the nomination. He's been very consistent in his message, making it easy for us to know that we know him.

Giuliani ignored those of us in the cheap seats, and when he turned away from us, he turned us off.

Fred? He's the right philosopher, but a poor large enterprise manager.

Today, McCain is the very probable nominee for the Republicans.

There's a lot of angst on the conservative blogs today. And while I'm not listening to it, but I'm sure that there's a lot angst in talk radio too.

No candidate is perfect. One is strong on the war, but weak on border security. One is strong on the economy, but doesn't think smaller states are worth the trouble. One is deep in money and organization, but not deep in conservative philosophy. One's got the philosophy, but didn't leave his room to tell it to us.

Out of 300 million people and in this immediate-satisfaction culture, is it wrong to expect a great candidate to step forward?

"Great" is subjective.

A reminder: congress enacts laws. The president executes the laws. The president cannot write legislation.

Which says that it's all about our local candidates.

If you want change, you have to influence change where you can have impact. And all politics, as they say, is local. You have to start there.

If conservatives are fed up, the hard and correct answer is to get damn involved and vocal locally.


Tags: politics
by Brett Rogers, 1/30/2008 1:20:35 PM


I think because "Because people would rather dance with the devil they know than the devil they don't" is part of it, but I think a big piece of that is having the main stream media in his pocket, similar to Hillary and Obama. They enable a good portion of country to stand knee deep in bullsh**, oops I mean "straight talk," thinking that what he says now has been his position all along. Instead of knowing the true McCain, they see media McCain. Enough people don't take the time to seek the truth, which is much easier to sort out now thanks to sites like this. Shame on the main stream media though. I don't trust a word out of it. They have an agenda and reporting the truth isn't on it.

I still think it is too early to discount the push of talk radio and the internet. Florida went McCain, not surprising with the retirees and vets there. Talk radio had a big part to do with killing the "shamnesty" bill that hmmmm was co-authored by none other than mr straight talk himself. When you co-author bills with "the hero of chappaquiddick," expect to be challenged on being a conservative.

Mitt does have an uphill battle but after Tuesday, if he does manage to pull it out, the tune will be "talk radio and the internet were the reason" (watch talk of the fairness doctrine being revived start up again if this happens). Either the fat lady will be singing Mitt's swan song or putting on a size 12 boot to give Maverick the kick in the ass the majority of us conservatives are wanting to do ourselves.

I agree 100% that it does start local. Have you ever thought of running for office?



Posted by Pale Rider, 1/31/2008 7:08:24 AM

I have no aspirations for political office. I'm more Karl Rove than George Bush. Would I love to be involved in a campaign, applying my gifts? Absolutely. Perhaps when I'm older that might change, but not right now.

I completely agree with the MSM aspect of this. But the thing McCain either doesn't realize or doesn't want to realize is that they will turn on him big time if he is the nominee. And at that point, he'll get pissed, and the legendary McCain anger will come out and they will slice and dice that boy in the public eye.

Do you remember McCain's performance with Michael Reagan in 2000? That was the turning point for Rush. He played that segment of Michael's show where McCain just went bizarre hung up on Reagan. Reagan sat there, on air, wondering how in the hell we could trust a guy with that demeanor with "the football."

The Fairness Doctrine... amen. I think that's what is driving Rush here. If either McCain or Clinton wind up in office with a democrat congress, there is a strong likelihood that some aspect of the Fairness Doctrine will be passed, because McCain hates talk radio as much as he hates Romney.

More reasons why I can't get behind McCain... he has no problem with going after the 1st amendment. I guarantee he'll do it more.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 1/31/2008 7:31:12 AM

I don't know. With your ability to communicate you could be out there in front. :) My fondness of scotch, colorful language, combined with a dislike of suits will keep me from ever seeking office.

I had forgotten McCain's incident with Michael Reagan. I was looking at some of the more recent actions like last year unloading on Cornyn over the immigration bill, calling the kid "you little jerk" when asking if he is too old for office. You can bet your backside if Mitt had made those comments the main stream media would be showing clips left and right now. You are dead on though that if he is nominated, media will turn and there will be a nightly dose of this type of stuff.

That leads me to the politically incorrect question "is he too old for office?" I see it as a valid question and say yes. I believe the military has mandatory retirement ages so how is it the commander and chief gets a pass? He'll be 72 come election time. Florida wasn't the place for Mitt to hit him on this but I see it as a valid issue. You can bet Hillary will hit him with it and the media will follow if he gets the nomination.

This does make me wonder why he so badly wants to be president? If I turn 71, have a wife that looks like that, have money, you can bet your last dollar the last place you'll find ole' PR is political office. :)



Posted by Pale Rider, 1/31/2008 9:38:03 AM

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