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The history of the American novel has been one of writers thinking they had nothing to write about and then discovering they did.
-- Le Anne Schreiber

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Jacob's Seahawks



by Brett Rogers, 4/28/2014 12:55:59 PM



Ah, the Days Alive calculator is now close to 1 million requests. That's kind of a big deal...

Had someone email me the other day with this:

I loved reading the "SelfGoal Manifesto". Thank you for writing it and putting it out there for me to find!


If you don't know what the Self Goal Manifesto is, it's a little thing I wrote several years ago and is on the calculator page. You can check it out here.


1 Comment
by Brett Rogers, 1/9/2014 9:33:02 AM



After quite a hiatus, I'll pen here at beatcanvas again. Been a while, but I need the vent of writing.

Relationships take on their own life, and the people involved do the best that they can to make it work. Sometimes it doesn't. It's what it is.

The aftermath is always dodgy. The heart wanders all over the place, leaving a toddler-ish mess of things. The head - the adult - walks behind and patiently cleans up the mess.

And then when it's over, a lot of reflection. What went right, what went wrong. The heart wants to kick the other person and admit no wrong, but that's crap. There is always something that could have been better, and the only person we control is ourselves. It does no good to focus on the other person, although it does make the heart feel better. But when those couple of days are over, languishing there results in bitterness. That's when the head has to tell the heart, "Pipe down, junior."

It's best to pick up the pieces of goodness garnered from the relationship, find gratitude, and move ahead in life.

There's a smart book called "Things I Wish I'd Known Sooner" about being a mom. The author has 12 kids. One item is to not ask "Why?" something happened.

"Whenever something difficult happens to me, I never question what has happened. I never ask, 'Why did this have to happen to me?' or 'Why must I go through this?' or 'Why would the Lord let this happen?' or 'Why won't this go away?' or 'Why aren't my prayers being answered?'

"I don't let myself worry about what can't be changed. All I worry about is 'What is my role?' and 'What goals must I set to change this?' and 'What must I do to turn this into a building experience for my and my family?"

Life is the sum of our choices. We don't choose what happens to us, of course, but we do determine our response.

Anytime we can walk out of a negative situation healthy and whole, it's all good. If hurt happened, healing will too. It's just important to avoid impulsive reactions that will only make things worse. At any given point, we can rationalize any choice or behavior. No better time to remain true to who we choose to be than right after a breakup.


by Brett Rogers, 1/9/2014 1:11:38 AM



I'm glad I wrote Seeing.


by Brett Rogers, 1/5/2014 12:42:34 PM

Texas, and Then More Texas


This is my itinerary in the next five days.

And then it will be again. And again. And again.

Busy busy!


by Brett Rogers, 12/11/2013 6:52:01 AM



Like never before, I am deeply involved in politics here in Texas. I'll talk about my role later, but let me just say that there is nothing better than being near people who love this country and want to restore freedom.

If you don't get involved, you get run over.


by Brett Rogers, 11/28/2013 6:05:23 AM

My Big Mexican Adventure



1 Comment
by Brett Rogers, 11/11/2013 9:12:53 AM

I Haven't Posted in a Month?



Anyway, been working a lot and getting more involved politically in Texas. Patti and I went to Ted Cruz' welcome home event last night, where it was so crowded, even though we were early, we had to stand outside the warehouse.

A couple hundred more people joined us outside, and there were probably 500 or 600 inside.

So imagine this: a US Senator returns home, and the people throughout his state want to greet him as a hero, joining hundreds of others to thank him.

Unless you live in Texas, it's not your senator.

For all the bullshit that that the media throws at him, he's fighting for all of us negatively affected by Obamacare, and millions more around the country are learning about, as Jon Stewart called it, this "turd" called Obamacare.

We need more Ted Cruz. A lot more. He listens to us.


1 Comment
by Brett Rogers, 10/22/2013 9:40:42 PM

Seeing Images


I like books that are visually interesting. Jim Krause's Creative Sparks... Tom Wujec's Imagine Design Create... the book's concepts are more interesting for the visual content.

What if I did that with Seeing?

I created these a few days ago, then read it again, and then showed these to Patti.

I might want to do this for the entire book.


by Brett Rogers, 9/15/2013 11:20:29 AM

Being Board


Getting ready to start writing again... it's time.


by Brett Rogers, 9/14/2013 5:35:43 PM