Annette Web Site Address: http://dmartinigirl.blogspot.com/ RSS Feed Address: http://dmartinigirl.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss Description: I won't give away Annette's last name, but she is a local woman whom I platonically met online and with whom I became friends. Annette is soon to be married to Casey, the beau of her life, and she has a great sense of things. Why I Like This Person: She's one of the most unafraid people I know.  Chad Holtz Web Site Address: http://chadholtz.terapad.com/ RSS Feed Address: http://chadholtz.terapad.com/resources/587/feeds/rss20.xml Description: Chad is a vice president at a really big home mortgage lender, father of two, and devoted husband to his wife, Michelle. He writes about his life, his family, the news, his trialthlon training, and his adventures in photogrpahy and on his motorcycle. Why I Like This Person: Chad was a manager of mine for a stretch and a great guy.  Converstations (Mike Sansone) Web Site Address: http://www.converstations.com/ RSS Feed Address: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Converstations Description: Mike Sansone is an independent business consultant specializing in business blogs and conversational copywriting. His experience in public speaking, sales and marketing, writing, and real-time online communication are strengths Mike relies upon in his role as a Conversation Conductor.
Prior to starting his own business, Mike helped to build thriving online communities with America Online, Real Fans Sports Network, Ignite Sports Media and HeyMax. He also has coordinated the growth of offline communities as a property manager, volunteer, and minister. Why I Like This Person: I know Mike personally and he is contagious, so be careful - you might catch his enthusiasm!  Kelly Steele Web Site Address: http://kbsteele.blogspot.com/ RSS Feed Address: http://kbsteele.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss Description: Kelly's been a friend of mine for over 20 years. We once played in a band together and Kelly is the most amazing guitarist. He's also excellent with photography. He tunes pianos for a living, so if you're local, he's the right guy. Why I Like This Person: Kelly's a really good man with a wonderful soul.  Mortgage Cicerone (Tony Gallegos) Web Site Address: http://tgalleg.typepad.com RSS Feed Address: http://tgalleg.typepad.com/my_weblog/index.rdf Description: Tony Gallegos has held senior level management positions, is a top originator, and is a lecturer/consultant that has taught and instructed mortgage professionals in all 50 states. Why I Like This Person: A better human being is hard to find, and he happens to write the smartest and most comprehensive mortgage blog out there.