About This Site
beatcanvas.com was written entirely from scratch. No Blogger, no Moveable Type - I did it myself with little ol' ASP and a SQL Server backend. Why? Well, two reasons...
Creative control is important to me. I want to stretch the bounds and not be contained by the limitations of other tools. In short, I want to build a better, more interactive blog site. So I wrote it myself.
The site features all of the standard blogging features (posting articles, comments, archiving) and some of the richer blog elements (categories, custom links list), but it has a few features that others don't have:
- Threads (stories), show the posts in chronological order.
- Custom article templates, which allows each post to have its own look.
- beatcanvas.com is very anti-spam, so in the comments, rather than show a valid email address, they're hidden and if a reader wants to email a commenter, it's done through a form here on the web site.
On this site, I'll talk mostly about relationships, politics, society, my work and other creative endeavors, and...